English thesaurus |
abbr., auto. |
naturally as pirated; no applicable; notice of arrival |
Naijá |
it is (whether na (it's) winter or summer lyricfind.com, youtu.be Shabe) |
abbr. |
National Academian; not analysed; not announced; National Association; Nauru; North American; Not Allowed; FBI National Academy; Nabisco Holdings Corporation; Nasal Augment; National Academy; National Airlines; National Archives; National Army; Native American; Nautical Almanac; Naval Academy; Naval Air; Naval Attache; Navy Attache; Net Assessment; Network Address; Network Annihilation; New Amsterdam; next assembly; Nice Ass; Nigeria Army; No Alcohol; No Answer; Non Activin; Non Alcoholic; Non Attainment; Normally Aspirated; North Atlantic; not accepted; Not Admitted; Not Advanced; Not Answered; Not Approved; Not Ascertainable; not authorized; Null Acl; Nursing Assistant; Nursing Auxiliary; network analysis |
abbr., amer. |
National Academician |
abbr., anat. |
Nomina Anatomica (международная анатомическая номенклатура Dimpassy) |
abbr., antenn., opt. |
numerical aperture |
abbr., auto. |
not adjustable |
abbr., avia. |
nozzle assembly |
abbr., busin. |
new account; new accounting; non available; not appropriate |
abbr., chem. |
nuclei acid |
abbr., comp., net. |
neighbor advertisement |
abbr., earth.sc. |
Nebraska; nickel alloy; northern area |
abbr., econ. |
non-avaible |
abbr., el. |
narrow-angle; navy aircraft; network adapter; Network Associates Inc.; next address; night alarm; no access; non-addressable; nonlinear absorption; NOT AND |
abbr., file.ext. |
Not Assigned |
abbr., fin. |
negotiated account |
abbr., genet. |
nitrous acid |
abbr., IT |
nomadic access |
abbr., lab.eq. |
NeurAminidase |
abbr., law |
not applicable (не данных gennier) |
abbr., Makarov. |
nucleic acid |
abbr., med. |
Nalidixic Acid; Narcotics Anonymous; Narcotiques Anonymes; Neurologic Age; Nicotinic Acid; Non-A (hepatitis Virus); Nucleic Acid; Nurse Anesthetist; Sodium; neuropathology; neutralizing antibodies; neutrophil-specific antigen; non-adrenergic; nurse's aid; naphthaleneacetic acid; naphthylacetic acid |
abbr., med., lat. |
narcotica anonymous |
abbr., mil. |
Address; North America; Not Applicable; nation assistance |
abbr., mil., avia. |
nadir |
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. |
negotiated agreement |
abbr., oil |
N-nitrosodiphenyl amine; naphthenic acid; naphthylamine; naturally aspirated; naval architect; net absorption; network analogy; network analyzer; neutron absorption; neutron activation; nitric acid; nitrogen adsorption; no acceptance; no account; node array; non-agglomerating; nonassociated (natural gas); North African; not analyzed; nozzle angle; numerical analysis; p-nitrosodiphenylamine; neutron activation log; north addition |
abbr., phys. |
Avogadro number (constant) |
abbr., physiol. |
No Abnormalities; NorAdrenaline |
abbr., physiol., med. |
Not Available |
abbr., polit. |
Namibia |
abbr., polym. |
net absolutely; not above; not available |
abbr., scottish |
Naval Adviser; Numerical Aperture |
abbr., semicond. |
Avogadro's number |
abbr., space |
noise abatement; noise rating number; normal accelerometer |
abbr., tech. |
National Annex ('More) |
abbr., textile |
no advice; non-acceptance |
abbr., tradem. |
National And |
energ.ind. |
net assets; neutrino area; nuclear accident; nuclear air |
Gruzovik, abbr. |
missing |
invest. |
national association |
mil. |
naval aircraft; naval auxiliary; naval aviation; naval aviator; Navy; numbered army |
physiol. |
No abnormalities; Noradrenaline |
tech. |
correspondence to this subscriber is not admitted; navigation algorithm; neutral axis; number aperture |
abbr. |
Sodium; natrium (sodium) |
abbr., anim.husb. |
natrium, sodium |
abbr., busin. |
name |
abbr., chem. |
transport number of anion |
abbr., earth.sc. |
nambulite; nasal; natrium |
abbr., econ. |
non-available |
abbr., med. |
sodium |
abbr., oil |
natrolite |
lat. |
Nahum |
railw. |
normalized in air |
tech. |
anion transport number |
abbr., earth.sc. |
natroalunite |
bank. |
National Association (FaithKo) |
abbr. |
nanoampere; nano ampere |
abbr. |
Nebraska |
abbr., el. |
lens numerical aperture-illumination coherence product |
abbr. |
non-agglomerating |
abbr., el. |
numerical aperture-to-wavelength ratio |
abbr., oncol., med. |
Sodium |